The Wikipedia page of “Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir”, states that the base principle of traditional Chinese medicine is prevention. Maybe this helped the country take the right decision early: https://fr.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/mieux_vaut_pr%C3%A9venir_que_gu%C3%A9rir

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very good newsletter.

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An interesting graph out of Hong Kong where the preventative measures against Covid are also seeing a fall in all the other seasonal bugs that fly around. Which is quite striking given how frequently people are making the link between this and 'normal' flu - if we just washed our hands better could we save 300-600,000 people's lives (WHO estimates of global annual flu deaths)? https://twitter.com/lokinhei/status/1234541131028783116?s=20

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Thanks Benjamin. These are great gaphs.

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I will add this thread and drawing to my newsletter tomorrow: https://twitter.com/ct_bergstrom/status/1235865328074153986?s=21

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